the redemption of a sinful man



Everything does change.  Not everyone changes though.  God never changes.  I think everyone forgets this, and that hasn't changed.  People often talk about sin in a way that it is ok to do whatever today because times have changed.  Well then, let's look into this a little.

God knew/knows we can not obey him on our own.  We need His Spirit to guide us.  Without Him, we will not change and therefore remain sinful.  If we continue in our sinful state we will die.  If we accept God's son Jesus into our lives, become saved, then we allow change and will live.  God, the one who never changes because he is sovereign and holy and just, being perfect in his actions and not needing to change, brings change so we can become holy and righteous.  He gave Moses 10 commandments.  These commandments were/are like laws, but are really better described as ways to be holy and righteous.  I am not going to talk specifically about each one, but instead look at a few.  They can be found in Exodus chapter 20.

Do not steal.  This has to be one of the easiest commandments to remember.  But don't we all do it because the times have changed?  Think about it.  We take as much as we can from anyone who is blind or ignorant to see it.  We steal from our family when we stay away too long.  We steal from our boss when we take longer breaks than we are suppose to.  We steal from ourselves when we let others decide for us what is right or wrong.  We steal from God when we sin.

God who is never changing doesn't steal, he gives.  When we become his child through salvation,  stealing is something that must stop, we change.  Instead we should give.  Give to the ones who need direction.  Give to our family time they cherish with us.  Give to our boss an honest break time with an honest days work.  Give to our self the right to choose our own decisions.  Give to God a truthful heart.

Honor your father and mother.   But the commandment doesn't stop there, read it again.
Honor your father and mother so that you may live a long life in the land God gave you.
This is in my own words, not exactly how the bible has it.
So, times have changed we don't need to honor them anymore.  Besides isn't it more fun to ignore them and make fun of them.  WHAT??!!!  If we fail to do this simple thing aren't we shortening our own lifetime?  I say yes.  Yes we should honor them.  I know that it is not as simple as it sounds, but God said to do it and gave a promise with it.
If we can't learn to honor our parents when we are in their house under their care, how are we going to honor God when we are in his house under his care?  What about our children?  Will they know how to honor us?

God remains the same yesterday today and forever.  He sustains us.  He delivers us.  He gives to us.  He has redeemed us.  He will keep forgiving us and changing us.

Our body is made from dust.  To dust it will become when we physically die.  Our soul is made from life.  To life it will become when we physically die.

Our sinful ways lead to death of our body and soul; and will perish in hell.
God's righteous ways lead us to life in our body and soul; and our physical bodies will change to be like his.

God will not change.  We must change.


Hope for sinners

I have been thinking about people who the church would call sinners.   You know the everyday person who works, eats and sleeps, but doesn't "look" holy.  When I say look, I don't mean appearance alone I mean actions and attitudes of the person too.

Will "sinners" make it to Heaven even if they are not "Church People"?  What if their hope is truly in Jesus, but they don't know how to live a holy life?  They know that they have sinned and have asked for forgiveness of sin.

We all have sinned and fall short of God's glory.

All who call upon the name of Jesus will be saved.

I have to say this:  God's grace is sufficient for sinners too!!
Jesus came to heal the sick and bring forgiveness to sinners, those who are "perfect" don't need a doctor and won't ask for him either!

I have hope for the sinner.  I am one.  It is my hope in Jesus that brings me life.

I am not saying that "church people" are perfect either.  I am one of those too.

I just think of people around me and know that God loves them, sinner and church people alike.  He has no favorites, it is impossible for him to love less than he already does.

I think if at all possible, sinners should go to church.  This is a place for help and guidance.  I also think sinners should read the Bible.  This is how you get to know God and what he is like.  Of course we all should pray too.  Prayer is very important.  This is our way of telling God how we feel and also how we can ask him how he feels about us.  Prayer doesn't have to be "perfect", just simple. 

There is hope for the sinner, there is hope for the "church" person too.


Entertaining Angels

"Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without even knowing it."  Hebrews 13:2 New International Version

I have thought about this many times.  We could be around angels at any given moment and not know it.  There is a reason for this.  What is it?  I am not sure.  I do have my ideas and opinions though.  I am not going too deep on this post though, but I could.

I believe we are constantly fighting the flesh and it is a huge undertaking.  Really it is.  We have this mortal body made from the dust of the earth that can not live very long without food or water, or communication.

Communication?  Yes.  We all must communicate.  It is what makes us who we are.  The fact that I am typing this and you are reading it must mean something.  We all want to know what is going on, or what happened and what is going to happen.
The first angels that appeared did exactly that.  They communicated God's message to us.  Everyone believes in angels.  At least they should.  History and art have depicted angels in various ways.  Sometimes as helpers, sometimes as heroes, but mostly as messengers.

We should "entertain" strangers whenever possible.  Talk is cheap right, actually it is free, so why not talk to those around you and see what they have to say.  You may hear from God.

I am glad the shepherds of Bethlehem listened to the angels.  I am glad that Mary and Joseph did too.

Merry Christmas